Friday, September 26, 2008


I spent the day thinking back to what I was doing two years ago at that time. I wonder how many years this will continue for. I still can't believe that helpless little being we brought home from the hospital has rapidly turned into this independent kid who keeps us laughing all day.

At two, here's a little about Wyatt:

--He has entered the world of pretend. Most often he pretends to be a puma (with a very realistic roar) as he hides and emerges from the neighbors willow tree.

--I overheard him asking his lovey questions the other day. The conversation went like this "Lovey, do you like pumpkins?" he then made lovey nod and say "yes, yes, yes" So funny.

--He'll often turn to me if I sit down by him on the couch and say "Hi Mommy". It warms my heart.

--Daddy is no longer Daddy. He is now "Daddy-o".

--He has made great strides in his speech clarity recently. We almost understand most of what he says and a majority of his words are spoken accurately.

--He likes to tell us what a "nice day" it is. He informed our neighbor of this the other night when she walked by.
--He is quite the little singer. His favorite song is "Go tell it on the mountain" closely followed by "You are my sunshine" and "Wheels on the bus". It's a good thing I'm a stay at home mom and not missing out on anything...because I discovered via his Grandma that he can sing the alphabet song, and also overheard him sing his own version of "Twinkle twinkle little star". He must be singing these at school. I'm all over it now and we work on these at home.

--He'll eagerly go potty on his potty chair (and even asks to) for one tiny piece of candy. The diapers aren't dry in between though so we have a ways to go.

--He has inherited his mother's steel trap memory...much to his father's dismay. The other day we drove by a restaurant and he told me that he ate there with mommy and daddy and that he had macaroni and cheese and two spoons (because he dropped one).

--He's still a champion sleeper. Eleven hours at night and two and a half at nap time. The best part: he usually goes down without an effort or a fight on our part.

--Being his mom gets better and better every day.
We had quite the birthday weekend. I'll post a recap complete with all the photos soon!

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