Saturday, March 19, 2011

++Why I love having a boy++

There was never any doubt in my mind that I would like having a girl.  Having a little buddy just like me to shop and do girly things with.  The clothes, the crafts, the dolls.  Yes, it's fun.  On the flip side, I wasn't quite sure what it would be like to have a boy.  I was just excited to have a baby.  I knew I would love him...I just never knew how much fun it would be to have a boy. 

++Hugs and cuddles from boys (especially 4 1/2 year-olds) are less expected so they mean so much more. 
++I love when he gets all into my daily routine.  He knows the order in which I put my make-up on and likes to hand me my "supplies".  It was exciting for him that I finally replaced my old and crumbling blush.  This morning he was trying to fix his hair with a round brush just like me. 
++My eyes have been opened to so many things I've never thought about before.  Trucks, rescue vehicles, tools, dirt.  The list goes on and on.  I've learned to love and celebrate them too. 
++Whenever I put on something the slightest bit dressy, he tells me I look pretty.  I ask him what kind of car he wants when he turns sixteen in return (it's a pickup truck for the record).
++I love watching how he adores his father.  Adores may be an understatement.  I know how important it is for boys to have a strong male role model and he sure is lucky he got his dad.  He'll have to look elsewhere to learn stuff about cars and tools, but other than that, he's got it made. 
++I love sports.  Boys love sports. This could work!
++If I were four, I would have a crush on him.  Ok, I have a crush on him anyway.
++Boys, especially my boy, are good for me.  I'm learning how to let go and focus on what really matters.  Let him get dirty.  Let him pick out some less than lovely shoes.  Maybe even be ok with the mess boys leave in the bathroom (ok, that may be pushing it). 

Boys, gotta love them!

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