Saturday, March 12, 2011

++What we learned++

NOTE: After I posted all these photos and I'm looking at them again I noticed they are super grainy.  The originals are not like that...not sure what happened when I saved them for the web.  If I suddenly come across another free hour or two I will re-do them.  Otherwise, just imagine these shots as sharp (and don't feel sorry for me that I got bad vacation photos because I really do have better versions of these photos---and about three hundred more).

We're all about learning in this family.  Every day is a new educational adventure and you never know where it will come from.  So, here's a recap of what we learned on our trip to San Diego.  A few weeks late...

1. The key to good behavior on an airplane ride: lollipops.  The longer lasting the better.  We had Jolly Rancher lollipops.  They lasted at least twenty minutes.  I have an unlimited candy policy on airplanes.  Trust me, it works.  As we were getting off our flight down the man across the aisle told us our kids were the best he's ever seen on an airplane and he travels a lot.  Believe it or not the eastern European man who sat next to me on the return flight that took off at Claire's bedtime didn't quite express the same sentiment.

2. It is possible to take my kids to an amusement park by myself.  Legoland has an offer for a second day ticket for $10 so while Mark worked the first day, we went to Legoland!

3. It's totally ok to roll your kid's crib into the bathroom if necessary.  Whatever it takes. 

4. Condos provide a whole new level of fascination for kids.  The sliding door closets and carpet sweeper made for hours of fun.  My favorite comment by Wyatt about the non-flat screen 27" tv "I just love these cute little TVs".  Oh dear.  What have we done.

5. We learned Claire is a daredevil. They rode this one about five times.
6. Despite the fact that Wyatt now holds 5 driver's licenses from Legoland, he has a little work to do on his boat driving.
7. The best way to get a great smile out of your son is to put him in a lego shark.
8. Claire+favorite baby+music+jumping=pure bliss.  (It was a musical fountain operated only when you jumped on those for the adults too!)
9. Claire may not be afraid of the rides, but she was not a fan of being measured.  She was about three hairs taller than the 34" minimum for a lot of rides and she pitched a fit at all of them because she wanted to go on them, but she didn't want to stand under their stick.  She finally relented and agreed to be measured off to the side because she wanted to drive these cars so bad.
10. Lots and lots of seals on the beach aren't necessarily easy on the nose.  (Taken at the Children's Pool in La Jolla--a swimming beach turned seal haven).
11. If you follow them around with a camera enough, they may just strike a pose for you after all.  We're still working on them posing TOGETHER though. (Wyatt is climbing the famed Torrey Pines).
12. Boy in flip flops+running+ hands in pockets+trip=a pretty nasty looking nose.
13.My children have no fear of touching slimy ocean creatures.  Not so true of their mother.  
14. Claire's fascination with pink and purple even extends to amusement park rides.  She insisted on the pink elmo fish.  
15. 51 cents makes for a super happy kid.  It's the simple things.
16. Wyatt doesn't seem to care WHAT the temperature is, while on vacation shorts and t-shirts are the wardrobe and that's that.  We saw kids with hats and mittens while Wyatt was in his shorts. 

17. Nothing makes kids happier than a day at the beach (which we always had to ourselves because it was cold to Californians.)  Claire was fascinated by the waves "Here it comes...there it goes..."
18. Leave a luggage cart unattended in your room and within seconds your kids will have moved in.
19. Hotel checkout at 10a, flight leaves from airport 80 miles away at 6p.  Dad sees: adventure.  Mom sees: nightmare.  The truth lies somewhere in between.  We won't go there...

20. Kids can survive on a diet that includes french fries at almost every meal.  The same might not be so true about their parents!

There you have it. Hopefully you learned something too!  Traveling is getting a little easier as the kids get older.  We're so excited as we have so many big dreams for our family in the years to come. 

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