Tuesday, May 11, 2010

++Ten on Tuesday++

1. I went to the dentist this morning with an appointment to have some teeth "sealed" as they called it. Somehow I left with two fillings, complete with Novocaine. I was shot up before 8am but still couldn't feel my tongue at noon. There has to be a better way.
2. I told Mark tonight that once you get the epidural, childbirth and dental work are really kind of similar. You are all numb and you just do what they say. He told me not to tell anyone that. I say it's a great advertisement for epidurals...or against dental work.
3. My friends Tiffany and Sara booked flights today to come out to visit me (us) in July. So excited. I miss my girls. This will probably just make me miss them more though.
4. I think it may slowly be turning into a spring-like season in Seattle. I am so excited to start showing off Claire's cute little legs. Wyatt? He has been wearing short-sleeves (upon his insistence) for two months now and now begs for shorts daily. He has boy legs--covered in cuts and bruises.
5. I'm trying to plan our summer. There are tons of week-long day camp options for Wyatt. Maybe they have these everywhere. He's just finally old enough so I'm paying attention. I'm tempted to send him to one every week we are home. He gets so bored with us. I think we'll keep it to two or three.
6. I can't believe this is #6. It's the reason I haven't been blogging or getting ANYTHING done these days. Wyatt is no longer napping. We made the choice after bedtimes were becoming unbearable if he napped. We're still working through how to handle our two hours while Claire is napping. He isn't quite getting the memo on Mommy Time and independent play.
7. Wyatt isn't done with school until mid-June. I'm a huge fan of this idea. I am really sad about it being over though. I love his teachers and his classmates (and so does he!)
8. I'm attempting to follow The Fly Lady's plan for keeping your house clean. I'm not great about everything but I like how she gives you one small assignment to focus on every day. Today it was wiping down the kitchen cabinets, yesterday it was cleaning the stove.
9. I think our kids have a pact. They must discuss it before bedtime every night. They like to trade off who sleeps in and who gets up early. Heaven forbid they both sleep in. That would be too easy on us.
10. We ran out of our Costco size box of Cheerios and Mini-Wheats the same week so we went down the cereal aisle at the grocery store yesterday. I became afraid very quickly when Wyatt said "let's try something new". What? This is the kid who never tries anything new that I cook. How long do you think we can keep him from knowing that cereals like Lucky Charms and Froot Loops exist and some kids get them for breakfast? Instead we got multi-grain Cheerios which I didn't realize until we got home were sugared. He was quite pleased with them. We're safe for now.

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