Monday, May 24, 2010

++Fifteen Months++

Seattle sure hasn't brought us much sunshine it's a good thing we have our own little sunshine. Here's a little update at fifteen months:
++She can pretty much do anything now. She is almost running and quite adept at climbing. Just recently she mastered getting up on the couch. Sorry Wyatt, your private domain is no longer.++I'd have a hard time saying what her favorite foods are. She really isn't that into eating. She loves loves loves blueberries and grapes. I hate hate hate changing diapers the next day.
++She loves to play outside. She's getting better at staying out of trouble so it's a little easier to take her out. She loves balls and bubbles and riding on her bikes. That and rock collecting. She loads them into her basket on her bike or under the seat in her digger.
++She is still into shoes. Well, she's into all things fashion. Hats, scarves, necklaces, sweaters. You name it, she wants to wear it. Is there a kid out there that doesn't have this photo of them? it doesn't matter how many times you see it. It's still cute.
++There is a new love in her life: BABIES. Said just like that, clear as day, always plural. She hugs, she kisses, she mainly just moves them around. Wherever we go to play she beelines for the babies. I'll have to be honest. It's kind of fun.
++She loves to read books. We often find her in her room just flipping the pages. She likes when we read to her too. Her favorites are Ten Little Ladybugs, anything with flaps, anything with textures, and those simple word books with pictures. She doesn't have patience to actually listen to the stories quite yet.
++Another obsession: Wyatt's play-doh stash. She doesn't get to play with it yet (she is way too much of an mouth-putter-inner still) but she just loves to move the little containers around. Those and my spices. I always cringe when she's walking around with cayenne pepper though. If she were to get that one open it could be a bit alarming!++And, she loves her bath and running around naked afterward.
We just love that smile...and the sassy little girl behind it!

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