Wednesday, May 19, 2010

++My guy++

I feel like I do all sorts of updating on the little one since she is changing so much...and not much gets said about this one. Don't worry. Come spend a day in our house and you will see he pretty much runs the show around here. I should have done this recap at three-and-a-half, that was a couple of months ago. Let's just pretend.
At three-and-a-half Wyatt:
++Is full of energy. Lots of running and jumping. Our poor couch takes a beating every day.
++His favorite TV show is still Imagination Movers (have I mentioned we haven't watched the Wiggles since November 1?) followed closely by any movies in the "All About" series that we get at the library. Included are such masterpieces as "The Post Office" and "Garbage and Recycling." He sometimes likes to watch these on his DVDVDV player. He recently discovered the headphones and thinks they are cool. Can I say heaven?

++Loves being outside. He could spend a couple of hours out there with his dad helping with yard work. He also loves the park and does such a great job there basically on his own. I'm usually 110% consumed with his daredevil sister.

++Loves school. The main attraction there is his buddy Isaak. Closely followed by the other boys in class. But, only boys. If you ask him he is not friends with the girls.
++Is into dress up. I know. Unbelievable. Of course, it all has to be his idea and on his terms. He wore this for almost a week. You may recall the drama that surrounded this costume when it was originally purchased. Note: he took off his hat so I would know it was him. Thanks buddy.
++Is nice to his sister some of the time. He likes it when she plays with him if he initiates it. They "chase" or she tackles him. Otherwise you will hear "stop bothering me". Today I told him that she is sitting so close to him because she just loves him. He informed me that he doesn't love her anymore. Oh well.
++Insists every night after we read books that his father tells him a "silly story". Usually these stories include the trials of Vern and Rocky. In case you are wondering. Very happens to be the goofy star of the firehouse show at Legoland and Rocky was one of the firemen we met when we toured a local firehouse a few months back. I wonder if they have any idea what an impact they made on a certain little boy.

++At the beginning of the year I told Mark that my goal was to get Wyatt to add one food to his readily accepted list. I think I may have written about that on here. Well, I think that has been achieved. He will now eat tacos and spaghetti. Just the components, not combined. Small victories. Have I ever mentioned that his go-to order when we eat out is fish and chips? It is only a problem when they don't have it on the kids menu and we have to pay $15 for it. It's moments like this that we should just lie to him and say they don't have it, shouldn't we. At least he eats it.
++If you ask him he will tell you when he grows up he is going to play football. He isn't quite sure about the fact that this may require going to college. As for now he is not interested in college as it may mean he has to move out of our house and he wants to stay living with us forever. He gets very emotional about this so I try not to bring it up. Just a guess, but I think when he is 18 he'll feel quite differently about this one. Along with this has come his desire to wear his jersey all day every day. At least he has his team colors right (Go Gophers!)
When did our baby get all grown up?

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