Sunday, November 1, 2009


Holidays really do take on a whole new meaning when seen through the eyes of your children. Halloween was actually really fun this year. Some of you may recall the disaster that was Halloween last year. I think we may have turned a corner on this, Wyatt's FOURTH Halloween (crazy...)
We started with pumpkin carving. This year dad had two helpers. Wyatt picked the super hard monster picture from the front of the carving kit. Mom didn't disappoint (photos later).

Claire thought that she would take carving her pumpkin into her own hands. Or should I say teeth?
This year Wyatt decided to be a Wiggle. For those of you who haven't had an under-fiver in your house recently they are a New Zealand-based singing and dancing show of four grown men (one of a few shows of grown dancing men that Wyatt is drawn to). Wyatt chose the yellow wiggle "Greg" (who later morphed into "Sam" when Greg got some illness---which I found out from Wikipedia--I do my research!)

There was no buying a yellow Wiggle outfit so through collaboration and help from both grandmas we came up with this (the dance moves are 100% Wyatt though):

Claire was a lobster. For those of you who don't know they typically look like this:

But our cute version looked like this. Couldn't you just dip her in butter and eat her up?
The crew was a happier bunch this year. Thank goodness.
We decided to so some trick-or-treating at a little area of shops by our house in full daylight. We weren't sure how well Wyatt would fare in the dark and the hills of our neighborhood. Our neighbors go ALL OUT with decorations and scary music and all that jazz. Not necessarily preschool friendly.You didn't think I would ruin a pair of pants that actually fit, did you?
The kids weren't the only one who had fun. My mom and I picked up this great look for Mark (as previously modeled by Grandpa).
I got myself a nice spider adorned witch hat. I've decided that green isn't really my color. If you look close you can see my pumpkins in the background.
Happy Halloween!

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