Friday, September 5, 2008

++What? September?++

Where has the time gone? I've been busy living my life after my two month hiatus. It's nice to be back (just ask Mark). Hint to the wives out there: if you want your husband to really appreciate you, stop doing all the little things you usually do to keep your house running. I will give mark credit though, he did a great job filling in.
I had a nice time in Seattle. I'm waiting for my sister to send me a few photos to post. I didn't bring my camera since they recently bought the same one so I just took photos with theirs. Sweet Cora is my new buddy. I told her that I will buy her all the best dolls and be her favorite aunt. I think she liked to hear stuff like that. She only spit up on me twice and was kind enough to contain her blow-out poop to the inside of her outfit when I was holding her shortly before heading the the airport. I survived my travels fine. I was worried about spitting up (the adult variety) on my seat mates but no such luck for them. Wyatt was great for his grandparents. Makes you feel pretty good as a parent...and gives me a new feeling of freedom knowing that I can leave him whenever and everyone involved has fun.
This week I am busy planning Wyatt's birthday party. It will be a firetruck theme. I'll post again with the invite and the details. We don't have many kids to invite but those who know me well know that that won't help me keep things in check. I'm doing my best though...

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