Friday, September 19, 2008

++A thousand words++

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Other pictures might take a thousand words to explain. Not sure which one applies to this actual scene witnessed in our house this week:

A few words of explanation. Wyatt found the case of poker chips and I thought it would be a great distraction while I got his stuff ready for school. He was already shirtless due to the need to remove his shirt to apply his lotions and other pretend beauty products while I was getting ready (note: I do not get ready shirtless so I am not sure where this came from). After a few minutes of playing with the chips and dice, he comes running into the kitchen to request his hat (??????) For some reason he enjoyed rubbing the dice on his face. Seriously...where does this come from? Mark's comment is "he gets it from his mother." Ha ha.

We also have had fun with paints and play-doh recently. For the most part we are blessed (and partially cursed) with a child that does not really like to get messy. He likes ketchup wiped off his fingers, etc. Funny how I looked away while he was painting and returned to this:

I took a few breaths and allowed it to continue...reminding myself that the point of this whole exercise was for him to learn by experimentation. Thank goodness it all washed off...

We're really enjoying the "cool" weather of September. Most days are in the 80s. So far the forecast for his party next weekend is 80 and sunny. Let's hope that holds!

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