Wednesday, August 20, 2008

++Watch out Michael Phelps++

I wonder how many parents across the country make these types of comments to their little swimmers. We don't REALLY think Wyatt has that potential...he seems to be built a little sturdier than the swimmers we saw in the olympics. We're just thrilled that he seems to have taken very readily to the water. Well, I'm thrilled. Mark informed me that he is sore.

One of the greatest parts of our neighborhood is the community pool. It's two blocks away and open all the time. Never crowded, always available. We laugh because everyone down here in the eco-conscious South DRIVES their huge SUVs to the pool. Our neighborhood isn't that big. No one could be more than four blocks from it. We load up the wagon with the towels and the little swimmer and head out.

With the addition of his swimmies...he has become a fearless water bug. I don't know if I would call what he does "swimming" yet, but he keeps his head above water and is smart enough to spit water out if he accidentally takes any on. His favorite game (and the reason for daddy's soreness) is swimming to the ladder, climbing out and jumping "in". I say "in" because I hold my breath each time he jumps as Mark basically needs to pull him into the water so he doesn't land back on the deck. I think he told Mark "one more time" roughly 50 times. I'm happy to lounge on the steps or chat with friends. We'll work on flip turns next summer.

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