Saturday, July 26, 2008

++22 Months++

I'm still looking for the machine that will freeze time. I'd like to keep our sweet little boy sweet and little forever. The picture above was a huge breakthrough for us. It was taken at the Children's Museum. Wyatt had already decided to leave the George exhibit and head onto the next exhibit when I asked for a picture--he actually agreed to sit there for this photo! He even cooperated and looked at me. It doesn't hurt that he's really into George these days. We end up with another book each time we go to the library.

During his twenty-second month Wyatt mastered his colors (after about six months of him knowing blue...we have branched out). He's really into telling us what color everything is too. From his cup to his outfit to our outfits...we know what color everything is. My favorite is when he says orange...he says it as if he is speaking french...three cute. He's also into telling us "I want to [enter request here] too". The photo below resulted after he heard Mark tell me he was going to mow the lawn. For the next twenty minutes he informed me: "I want to lawnmow too." The resulting image was so cute I had to grab my camera. Litterally he mirrored his dad back-and-forth for the entire front yard. I paid fifty cents for that lawnmower at a garage sale...huge score.

We're surviving the heat with lots of indoor activities. Mark made this fort the other day. It kept Wyatt captivated for all of five minutes...then on to the next thing.
He is OBSESSED with Bee Movie these days. I am once again eating my pre-parent words as I admit that my child watches it almost daily (you would resort to these things too if it was 100 degrees out We ended up buying it yesterday so we could send the other copy back to Netflix. We are not movie buyers so this was a big thing too. If you haven't seen it, it's pretty cute (or at least it was the first time...the tenth time it gets a bit boring).

That's about it for the monthly report on the little guy. He goes back to school (along with the big kids down here) in two weeks. He went to a summer program at his new school for the month of July and I was really happy with it. He didn't come home covered in paint once! We were constantly told what a nice, sweet boy we had by his teachers. I will have to say that while it's nice to hear that your kid is cute, or smart...nothing melts your heart like being told you have a nice kid. Now how do we make sure he stays that way?

1 comment:

Melissa said...

He is growing up so's just crazy. LOVE the lawn mowing photo! That is too funny. Your garage sale items are always the must know how to pick 'em. =)