Thursday, May 8, 2008

++More random jottings++

The latest baby I have been awaiting was born on Tuesday. It wasn't much of a surprise since it was a scheduled C-Section. Lucky for Tiffany, she will never know what labor feels like! Maybe next time. Baby Deacon Patrick wasn't quite as big as they thought he would be either...ONLY 9 lbs. 13 oz (ok, so almost two full pounds bigger than W). Congrats Tiffany and Patrick!

No new photos to share. There hasn't been much photo-worthy activity here recently. Wyatt has been GRUMPY (which in turn makes me grumpy). I think we went teeth-cold-teeth over the last two weeks. Hopefully he will be done with this soon as we have a busy stretch of visitors and travel ahead of us. All he wants to do is watch "Narney" on tv (which could possibly be the most painful for parents kid's show ever made). That, and this live-action train documentary I got from the library.

More rain today. Half of my flowers in my back garden are dead already. I am so defeated. I know what to do when your flowers don't get enough water but I'm not sure what to do if they get too much. The good news is that I dug them up and returned them at Home Depot and got new ones. Hopefully these will fare better. I miss the great midwestern soil.

I finally finished putting all the photos from the first year of Wyatt's life in an album. It bums me out that I didn't get the new camera until he was 9 months old. It's amazing the difference in the pictures. For those of you who are mislead and think I am so on top of things because I post photos regularly on this blog here is a little secret: the album ends in July because that was the last time I had photos printed. I want to get better at photoshop so I can make them look a little better before I pay to print them all. Maybe by the time Wyatt is five? We did, however, make some generalizations on babies after looking through the progression. Basically the first 3 months is not so fun. Months 5 and 6 are great for photos because they can sit up and they smile a lot but they can't go anywhere. His ninth month is full of photos of him climbing on all sorts of things he shouldn't be on. That was officially when my freedom ended. Now I am lucky if I can get a picture of anything but the back of his head. Thank goodness for digital cameras.

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