Wednesday, May 21, 2008

++School's Out++

We had a great time with Aunt Phyllis during her long weekend in M-town (so cheesy---did I write that?) We mostly stayed close to home and showed her the sights of our daily life. We enjoyed a trip to the park and feeding the ducks (check out the white ones---this flies right in the face of a comment I made to Mark a year ago while reading kids books "why are ducks always white in these books--who has ever seen a white duck?" Guess you need to move to Memphis to see them).

We also took a walk to the Wolf River. We live off of Wolf River Boulevard but in five months had never seen the river. Since we had an extra set of hands, we actually got a shot of the whole crew.
Wyatt loves reading stories (especially if they involve trucks). I think Aunt Phyllis got to read him this one about three times...consecutively.
Finally, Wyatt had his last day of school on Tuesday. I tried to take a shot in his classroom upon picking him up but he was a little hot to trot. That's his teacher "Miss Ci Ci" in the background.
Now that school's out my freedom is over. Wyatt's a good grocery shopper but that's about where it ends. Back to the days of night and weekend errand running for myself. This should be very good for our finances. Good thing "summer school" starts again in July!

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