Wednesday, November 14, 2007

++My Sentiments Exactly++

Here was the scene outside our back door last Friday. Funny, but recently I have felt like I would like to do the same thing. Selling a house is no fun. Our buyer has turned into a pain in the butt. The inspection report came back with a laundry list a mile long of nit-picky things all of which existed when we bought the house almost 3 years ago. To add insult to injury she has also asked for us to coordinate a list of additional items that she will pay for while we have the electrician, plumber, etc. out here. Last time I checked, making sure she gets the pedestals added to the washer and dryer really isn't my problem. Just cross your fingers and toes for us that the furnace passes its check-up tomorrow. It's a senior citizen. We really don't want to buy a new one.

Back to the story on the little one pictured above. Our usually smiley and agreeable child has begun to express his opinions. He takes after his parents (surprise, surprise). He is very persistent and determined. This scene took place after he insisted on climbing into his car seat in the car. He clearly wanted to go somewhere. My guess was that he wanted me to take him back to the toy store (which had lots of fun trucks and trains to play with) that we had been at earlier in the day. I was treated to one of these tantrums when we left the store as well. (am I a bad parent that I found this tantrum so humorous that I took a picture rather that try to console him??)

It has been fascinating for me to raise a boy and see how certain interests must be hard-wired in them. We never really talked about trucks much until I brought home a book from a used book sale with pictures of all sorts of trucks. He immediately insisted we read it over and over and over again. When we go places in the car he grunts and points when we pass trucks on the road. Today in music class Wyatt's buddy Samuel came wearing a shirt with a truck on the front. Wyatt spent the entire class basically in Samuel's lap touching the wheels on the truck. In all honesty, as much as I never thought I'd get excited about trucks, I've been finding myself disappointed if Wyatt isn't with me and I see a neat truck. Isn't it amazing how parenthood changes us?

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