Tuesday, February 8, 2011

++Ten on Tuesday++

1. I'm all caught up on blogging.  I think I sleep better at night as a result.  We have a couple of big events coming up soon that I am sure will derail my progress once again.  Oh well.

2. Mark gave me THIS coffee maker for Christmas.  I love it.  I now drink about three times the coffee that I ever did before.  I'm also a better hostess.  It's totally easy to offer someone a cup of coffee.  Stop by sometime and have a cup.

3. The kids are all signed up for preschool next year.  Wyatt will be in pre-k FIVE DAYS A WEEK where he goes this year.  Claire is going two days to another school nearby that will take them at two-and-a-half even if they aren't potty trained.  I think I will start my to-do list now for those seven blissful hours each week. 

4. I got this book last week and read it in less than twenty-four hours.  I'm a sucker for love stories.  Gotta give props to a woman who built an empire based on a blog too.  Do you think I have that future?  Stop laughing. 

5. Did I mention that Claire is the worst napper ever?  As I type this she has been up in her bed talking and singing for over an hour.  This goes on almost every day.  She just needs to get down to business and fall asleep.  I fear I have one of those kids who will give up her nap super young. 

6. I think we have caught every possible cold that has passed through Seattle's Eastside this winter.  We just go from one to the next to the next.  Lots and lots of boogers here (maybe you'll want to reconsider stopping by for that cup of coffee after all).

7. The invites are out for the lollipop party.  Hottest ticket in town.  Ha ha.  About a year later I officially used my new craft/laundry room for crafting.  It was great.  I could leave things out and walk away and come back to it when I had time. 

8. As a follow-up to the post about Wyatt counting his money, the coins were cashed in and a purchase was made.  It was the remote control module that fits into a few of his Playmobil trucks.  He thinks it's great.  The fire truck is now moving on its own throughout the house.

9. How is it that my baby will be two in a couple of weeks? 

10.  My tulips are popping up.  It's February.  Every time we move it takes me a while to get used to the seasons and what they mean.  I guess here it means tulips by March!

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