Sunday, February 13, 2011

++Have suitcase, will travel++

There may be talk of some upcoming vacations around these parts.  Wyatt couldn't wait to get the suitcases out so we could start packing, no matter how early.  Claire took matters into her own hands.

 As a matter of fact, it would be a lot easier if we could just zip this one up and collect her again at baggage claim.  She's just too darn cute for that though.  She has a lot of peek-a-boo to play with other airline passengers. 
 She must take after her mom though because she thought of all the essentials.  Snack, drink, baby, blanket--what else could a girl want?
Oh, and yes, in case you were wondering it was a slow picture week around these parts.  In fact, these were the only photos I took all week.  No news is good news, I guess. 


Sara said...

So darling! And I absolutely love her dress!

Melissa said...

She looks so much like you -- what a sweetheart!