Sunday, December 19, 2010

++The Santa saga continues++

We turned a corner this year in our house.  I'm not sure what prompted it. It may have been just being that much older, it may have been the lure of presents, or it may have been trying to one-up his sister, but ladies and gentlemen, BEHOLD:

Yes, that is MY SON sitting on Santa's lap, looking and the camera and maybe, just a little bit, SMILING!  It's almost easy for me to ignore the complete and total meltdown occurring to his right because I am so proud of the big kid.  For the record he asked Santa for a soccer ball.  The long-form version of his request list is a soccer ball, a soccer net and a late entrant into the arena is a Playmobil ladder fire truck.  Arrived at after hours and hours of studying the Playmobil catalog.  If you don't have one in your house I recommend finding one.  No joke, Wyatt looks at it for an hour a day. 
Claire didn't say much to Santa on this fateful day, but if you ask her, she'll tell you that she would like Santa to bring her a chair for her baby.  She will also remind you that she was crying when she saw Santa.  Yes Claire, we haven't forgotten.  

As an aside: we took the Santa train again this year to visit Santa.  That's why the kids are dressed the way they are.  Before the Santa visit there is a cold train ride, and a lot of outside time.  Perhaps that is why Wyatt is smiling in the picture, because he was able to wear his beloved jeans...I'll pretend I didn't come to that realization just now. 

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