Wednesday, July 7, 2010

++Summer at the Lake++

No summer is complete without a trip to the lake. We drove East for the first time since moving here to the central Washington treasure of Lake Chelan.
As you may have noticed, I'm a little behind on my blog these days. In an effort to catch up on things I vowed I would post at most five pictures. Then I set in to pick which five and I just couldn't. So grab a drink and get comfortable...

The greatest part about driving to vacation is bringing treasures from home. We brought bikes, a HUGE hit with the boys (did I mention this was a true family vacation complete with my parents and my sister's family?)
We spent lots of time at the beach. Digging, and spraying water, and digging. Now while it looks all warm and tropical, Lake Chelan is a glacial fed lake. Think water after the ice has melted in it. Refreshing!
Beach babe #1:Beach babe #2:
My mom got the kids these boats. Cora couldn't get enough of them. They were popular at the pool too. I didn't get any photos there...too busy ensuring my kids (or my camera) didn't drown to worry about snapping shots. We were there for the 4th of July. Susan bought the kids these patriotic socks to wear. Also note which kid was up two hours before his cousins every day and clearly ready to hit the beach before they even had breakfast. Lucky us!
This photo just makes me laugh. Believe it or not, two seconds prior to this, Claire was holding the pink ball. To give Cora credit, it really was her ball.
We called a truce and had the girls sit ON their balls for a photo. The theme of the day was watermelons.
I just liked this photo. I've been working hard at catching the light in the kids' eyes and I think I got it on this one.
There's no better way to end a 4th of July than ice cream al fresco.
Thanks Nana and Bompa! We've definitely decided it's a place worth returning to.

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