Thursday, June 24, 2010

++Sweet Sixteen++

Meet crazy Claire at sixteen months. Sassy, silly, cute and DETERMINED. She has her Daddy so wrapped around her finger that we are sure that this car isn't the only one he'll buy for her (and we didn't even buy that one, it was someone's trash...remember?)
She is full of ideas. Including lining up the chairs for some sort of seating. Including one for baby.
She also gets herself into all sorts of trouble that her brother never got into. Not sure whose idea this one was. I wouldn't put it past being Claire's.

She is into belly buttons these days. Beware. She will show you hers, but in turn will ask to see yours!
She is full of gestures and jibber jabber and more and more real words. We definitely don't have a wallflower on our hands.
She's just a little thing. So much smaller than Wyatt was at this age. But she has really shed almost all of her "baby". That's why I love this still reminds me that she is a baby. Butt up going backwards down the stairs.
Speaking of babies. She loves them. Real ones and dolls. She loves them all. We spent some of her birthday money and bought her a new baby. Lucky for me, if it wasn't bad enough that we have to keep track of stash of loveys for each kid, now we bring baby along too.
I have alluded to it before but we have a major shoe girl on our hands. Who knows, maybe this is just girls. She talks about "shz" all the time. She is infatuated with her hand-me-down Crocs. I have resorted to hiding them when I want her to wear something a little more attractive. I honestly think she is better than Wyatt is at getting shoes on her own feet.
A couple of other favorites from her sixteenth month:
A few other notes:
Loves: to play outside, bubbles, dancing, music, digging in our drawers, fruit, ice cream, dogs, cats, ketchup, pestering her brother, tickles, coloring, stories, and DADDDEEEEE.
Doesn't love: not getting her way, not going outside, sleeping in, long naps, staying in the shopping cart, most food, coloring only on paper, and staying awake in the car when we are rushing home for nap time.

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