Saturday, June 12, 2010

++Meet our newest houseguests++

This is Ruby Cocoa Puff. Her husband is Max. She has three babies: Huey, Dewey, and Louie. We watched her build her nest and sit on it and then one day noticed the activity picked up. We perched our ladder in the dining room window and have a great view of nature at it's best. I've googled so much about the whole nesting and hatching process of Robins I feel like a homeschoolin' mom.
They are getting bigger every day. I am guessing they will leave their nest sometime next week (my research said they stay for about two weeks). I think Wyatt and Claire will miss them.
And I will leave you with one final interesting fact. I kept seeing the mom (or dad) leave the nest with something in their beaks. At first I thought it was a baby that didn't make it. Today I was for sure I noticed something white. So, I googled it and discovered that baby birds poop in sacks that are all packaged up for their parents to carry away. Isn't that nifty? Why couldn't my babies poop in sealed sacks? I can't believe I have never heard of that before. The best part is that my research led me to a site that featured Jim Gilbert. I have no idea how many of my readers hail from Hopkins but I know a few of you do and I'm sure you remember him. Tonight I told Mark the story of the deer scat necklace. Lovely.

Ok, my nature talk is over. Back to my suburban life.

1 comment:

taylor said...

Jim Gilbert lives in Waconia and had a store there called "The Wild Bird Store." Just thought I'd share that tidbit.