Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Look at those two happy dapper cuties. Jelly beans have that effect on kids, it seems.
For whatever reason, as a child I do not recall ever attending a single "egg hunt" other than the one that took place in my living room on Easter morning. Now I could probably take the kiddos to about ten of them and by the time Easter rolls around they are burnt out. We did three this year.

First was a fun little play date with my MOPS table friends. Claire had much more fun that what this photo shows. She is just not a fan of being told where to stand (or what to do at all, ever.)
Next, we had a fun egg hunt in our neighborhood. We were super excited about this as we're all about neighborly gatherings. That's why we live out in the burbs after all. Claire was so cute, she took off running with the rest of the kids. (oh---did I mention that Seattle was the only city that didn't get the memo about warming up for Easter this year? brrrr...)
Wyatt had the hunt concept down this year. Although he is not the strongest hunter. I have known this all along based on our daily lovey hunts in the house--if he doesn't trip over it, he doesn't see it.
Claire found three eggs. She was thrilled.
And generally just looked cute (have we given Grandma props for the hat yet? If not, thanks Grandma!)
Wyatt and his neighbor buddy Cooper. Can you tell they are the same age? They have the same "model" of Easter basket! (Pottery Barn Kids '07 for those of you wondering)
Claire jumped the gun and found the first Egg before we officially started the hunt Easter morning. In an effort to merge family traditions the kids find their Easter baskets first, and then find the eggs to fill it up. Don't you love the lovely brown paper on the floors?
With some encouragement, Wyatt found his rather quickly.
He was thrilled to see the Imagination Movers CD in the basket. Along with all sorts of other goodies.
Claire sporting some of her loot.
Wyatt tracking down his eggs. Note: he does have pajamas that fit him, these are just his favorites. The control freak in me almost didn't let him wear them knowing that they would show up in the Easter photos. I also think they were in last year's Easter photos. Notice how Claire is appropriately dressed for Easter morning? I can still control her, sort of.
I must say Easter morning was a fun mom moment for me now that I have a little girl. It was pretty fun to get her all dolled up in her dress. She liked it too. She didn't want to cooperate for a picture though, she was looking for more jelly beans.
And my handsome little dude.
Finally, our best attempt at a mom and kids shot. Just to prove to them that I was there.

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