Friday, April 24, 2009

++Our Little Girl++

I can't believe she's two months old already. The time has gone by so fast. It's so cliche but I really can't imagine life without her now. I'm hoping I don't regret writing this but she is such a good baby. She doesn't need to be held much (to the point that I have to remind myself to hold her sometimes because I feel guilty ignoring her just because she is happy). She doesn't really cry...just whimpers a little. She has been sleeping well and eating well. What's not to love? She isn't a huge fan of the bottle, but in true Claire fashion it's more of a passive protest where she just doesn't eat much from it, but she doesn't really get mad about it. Right now she's lying under her play gym just kicking and talking.

She loves her swing. Or maybe it's me who loves it. It's right in our family room so most of the time it's where I plop her if I need a free hand.
This photo is a little old (we're in shorts here these days) but I wanted to photograph her in her hand knit glory. I'm still working on finishing up that sweater I posted the picture of way back when. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
She still is working on her neck control. This is her mustering all her might to lift it up this far. We put her on tummy time daily. She spends most of the time face down on the floor...but doesn't complain about it until about five minutes have passed.
Just looking at this makes me smile back. I read somewhere that you can tell social smiles because they smile with their whole faces. This certainly applies to miss Claire. I love how the nose crinkles up too. This is a face I never want to forget!
And one more for good measure. Can you tell I'm smitten?

UPDATE: We went to the doctor since I originally posted this. Claire weighed in at 11 lbs. 10 oz. A far cry from the 13 lbs. 13 oz. her brother sported at this age. Thank goodness. I'm really hoping to keep my baby looking like a baby for as long as possible.


The Cogan's said...

Kate, I always love your photos but those last three are brilliant..the one where Claire is on her front is my favorite !

The Buchholz's said...

These are so great! I love all of them. Can't believe how much Claire has changed in the few weeks since we were there.

I just got to see L's pics from "school" this afternoon. They had the people from the photo place and you had to sit with them to look and select which ones to buy. Funny thing was they took every. single. picture. with his black baseball hat on. What?
I just laughed, told them they made my decision very easy and left with nothing. I think I'll stick to Kate Pacyna photos, thank you very much :)


Melissa Ho said...

Kate she is so adorable. I love your pictures!

Melissa said...

Such a cutie. =)