Monday, April 13, 2009

++Easter Sunday++

Happy Easter! Just a few photos to recap a VERY low-key day for us.

The kiddos awoke to baskets full of goodies. Wyatt was supposed to find his but the Easter Bunny (of the male variety) forgot to hide it before going to bed. Wyatt spotted it right away on the kitchen table. Needless to say he was thrilled to find a street sweeper truck in his basket. He has been asking for one for weeks now. Finding one was no easy task. Note to other parents: Plamobil makes some pretty cool, obscure, construction trucks if you are looking for them. I have been alerted to most of them by my son who has studied that little catalog that comes in the box. As I alluded to before, Wyatt was egg-hunted-out so he didn't really have a lot of interest in finding the eggs in the living room---it would require him to put down his street sweeper truck.

Here is our little one in her Easter outfit. So glad I bought it at a consignment sale for $5 as this will be the only time she wears it.
This was not posed. He really does look at his sister lovingly on a regular basis. He also coughs in her face and other not-so-loving behavior on a regular basis too.
No family photo this year. We had to divide and conquer. This is how most of our time is spent these days. Mom and baby...Dad and Wyatt...
We attended church where Wyatt goes to school. It's a non-denominational church. It was a nice service but very non-Lutheran or Catholic like we are used to. The church thing has been a bit of a struggle for us here. It's on the top of our list of what to solve in our next location. I made a ham for dinner and cinnamon rolls for breakfast to try to make things seem a little special. Other than that it was a quiet day for this family of four.

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