Tuesday, January 22, 2008

++A visit from red on the head"

When we lived in Atlanta we had a gym teacher who used to tell my sister "I'd rather be dead than red on the head." It's a good thing we liked him so we let it fly. I don't think he'd get away with that these days. Me, I was red on the head's sister.
We had a quick 48 hours with the red head. Wyatt had fun with his aunt. I had fun being her shopping assistant.

Reading with Aunt Susan
The result of our attempt to watch Ocean's Thirteen. Ok, it was slightly staged because Mark tripped while trying to sneak in the photo. I don't always sleep with a smile on my face...
Cyber-visiting. Susan and Brett's good friends Scott and Jonnett came over for brunch. They visited with Larson on the webcam. We're excited because they are new to Memphis too (he's a fellow at St. Jude's) and they also need friends!!!
Even the cutest Packer fan ever couldn't help his team out on Sunday
Wyatt survived day 1 of his "pre-school". He took a nap on his little mat (which totally dumbfounded his father and me) and didn't seem overly eager to leave when I came to get him. I decided that 4 1/2 hours of shopping is a bit much for me. I think I'll spend Thursday at home. I did get our new living room chairs ordered and did some looking for a rug. It will be nice to fill up our empty rooms with something other than stray legos.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Call me crazy, but I don't remember Taylor and I visiting Memphis. I can't believe how much your friends Scott and Jonett look like Taylor and I. Thought it was interesting. I hope all is well in the warm climate.
