Saturday, August 13, 2011

++Cousins Day Out++

In blogland it may appear that we see the cousins a lot.  It's probably because we tend to do fun things with them so I'm more likely to take pictures.  In reality, we aren't exactly next door neighbors and between work, school, sports, swimming, skiing, birthday parties, church, and on and on, we actually have a hard time finding time to get together.  This summer we hatched a plan.  Susan is now only working part-time (yea!!) so we decided every Friday we would get the kids together and do something fun.  Once again, reality prevailed and between camps and vacation we only were able to make 4 or 5 outings work, but we made the most of them. We even named it "cousins day out" because everything seems more fun with a name. 

Nana is in town this week so we decided to show the cousins one of our favorite Eastside treasures: Remlinger farms.  Aren't these the cutest strawberries you've ever seen?

Oh wait, we're missing one...
Or  maybe these are the cutest strawberries.  Or craziest old ladies.  Photo credit to Wyatt.  I've trained him well, huh?
This is perhaps in the running for one of my top 5 photos of the year.  It so perfectly captures these boys right now.

Did I mention that I'm not sure the cousins have ever done rides before.  Believe it or not, dare devil Cora loved the pumpkin.

Claire was perfectly satisfied with her mini-carousel.
Boy boat.

Girl boat.

A good time was had by all.

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