Tuesday, February 23, 2010

++Ten on Tuesday++

1. Someone in our house is walking. Watch out world because here she comes!
2. This remodel thing is just too stressful for me. Too many decisions all at once. Knobs, lights, fans, flooring and paint colors...that is for sure going to drive me batty. As I've mentioned before I tend to over think even the smallest decisions, imagine what happens with this kind of stuff.
3. On that note our living room is now a new color that was supposed to be a beige/gray color but looks mighty green now that it's up. It's not a bad color, I'm just second guessing how it looks with everything we own. Wonderful.
4. Wyatt talks the ear off of our contractor and every sub-contractor who comes in our house. Our contractor is "Don" or "My buddy Don" if you ask Wyatt about him.
5. I caught Wyatt telling Claire that something was "not acceptable" today. Hmm...wonder where he got that?
6. In Wyatt's eyes Claire is frequently doing things that are "not acceptable". She is super into him and what he is doing. I feel bad for her because she just wants to play too, but I feel bad for him because he just wants to be left alone.
7. As a result of above behavior, Wyatt slammed Claire's finger in a drawer last night. Mark was out of town (go figure) and there was blood. We've avoided traumatic injuries to date so I wasn't ready for this. I always thought I would rally when I needed to. I didn't. It didn't end up being bad. Thank goodness.
8. Wyatt has Mater underwear (from Cars). There is a big Mater on his bum. I encouraged him to "shake his Mater" to get him excited about wearing underwear way back when. He still does it. He was talking about shaking his Mater tonight when he looked down at his Toy Story pull-up and asked "who's this?" to the cowboy on the front. I just couldn't tell him the guy's name was woody. I could see where it was going.
9. We've been enjoying the Olympics but what Einstein thought it would be a good idea to tape delay everything that's happening a few hours from here, and then broadcast it from 8-11:30? Needless to say we are never awake to see the finish of the night's big event. Clearly that Einstein doesn't have little kids.
10. We've got a lot riding on "when this remodel is done." We plan to have more free time, a cleaner house, a social life, and the list goes on and on. We'll see. One can always hope!

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