Monday, May 11, 2009

++A little Mommy Lovin'++

My Mother's Day wish list went like this:
++A new pair of running shoes (check! because I kind of just buy what I want when I want it).
++A morning of shopping all to myself (check! I got a few things at the Macy's sale Saturday)
++A nap (check! I was zonked out on Saturday afternoon until Wyatt HAD to see what was happening behind the closed door).
++The requisite flowers and cards (check! A beautiful hydrangea was delivered during my nap--but I didn't even hear the doorbell, and Wyatt and Dad went card shopping and Wyatt just couldn't keep the secret as he walked in the door an immediately told me "We bought you a card, Mommy!").
++And finally, the toughest order, a nice picture of me with my kids. As you can see, some things are easier said than done:

As if getting two kids to cooperate wasn't bad enough. I have been working on teaching Mark how to take pictures but never seem to foresee the pitfalls until after the entire shoot is over. Today's lesson: make sure the door handles aren't sticking out of my head.

Wyatt decided he was tired of being photographed and it was time for him to play photographer!

This is what we get in response to "Give us your biggest smile."

And finally...this one always seems to cooperate. A little Mommy and baby lovin'

Wishing all the moms out there a Happy Mother's Day especially my mom, my mom-in-law and Busha. We love you!

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