Sunday, May 24, 2009

++3 Months++

Already? Where has the time gone. Our little ray of sunshine sure brightens our days.

We have a few more things to report this month. We have lots and lots of smiles all the time. Talking and cooing galore. We continue to marvel at how happy and easy-going this little one is. Is it because she is our second child? is it because she is a girl? is it because that's her personality? We kind of think it might just be a combination of the three.
This is the face we are greeted by each morning. You should see mine at the other side of the camera. A couple of weeks ago she started treating us to ten hour stretches. That's the most sleep I have had in a long time (did I mention I had crazy pregnancy insomnia?)

As much as we (ok--probably Mark more than me) pushed Wyatt towards all the physical milestones making sure to keep him ahead of the curve (as if it would mean he was more likely to play professional sports later in life), we decided that we would let Claire take her own sweet time. She has other plans. She started rolling over at two-and-a-half months. The funny part is that she rolled over before she was able to hold her head up well so the end result is kind of a face plant. She is getting better though. She loves her play gym. She is doing lots of hands in the mouth and starting to bring things to her mouth. She is also batting at things. Sometimes you just find her laying there and smiling. Not sure at what. It is so fun to watch this sleepy baby turn into her own little person.


The Cogan's said...

Adorable as always !

Melissa said...

I am not surprised at all that she is so determined and already rolling over! =) I can't wait to meet her!!