Tuesday, September 27, 2011

++My baby at five++

The rest of his birthdays were ok.  Just growing, developing and hitting new milestones.  Somehow, this one seems like we've entered a whole new league.  Five is not baby, not even really preschooler, five is big.  Heck...it's your whole hand worth of fingers! 
I spend every year on Wyatt's birthday watching the clock and reflecting on where we were at that time on the day he was born (it's easy to do since he was born in the middle of the afternoon).  I think about how much our lives have changed.  With the exception of my lack of free time and extra pounds, I think about how much better my life is with Wyatt in it. 
I think sometimes this blog gives him a little bit a bad rap.  Yes, he's picky about his clothes.  No, he won't wear costumes or uniforms (but we've made some big strides...stay tuned).  But he is such a good kid.  Mark and I sometimes sit at the table after dinner is over and just marvel at what a good kid he is.  (no need to remind you what a big Wyatt fan Mark is).  He's a gentle soul.  With an innocence that I'm holding on to with everything I have.  Scooby Doo is too scary.  I love it.  He's not into Superheroes or Star Wars but is very attuned to which of his buddies are into what--"Isaak would really like that Spiderman backpack."  His superheroes are of the more realistic variety.  Police Officers, Firemen, construction workers, soldiers...and Dad. 
He loves school.  He bounds in to his room every day with a smile on his face.  He makes friends easily and from what I can tell he's well liked by the kids in his class.  Here's hoping that stays with him as he grows.  He has an inquisitive mind and he's always trying to figure out how everything works.  He doesn't play much with toys but prefers open-ended "gear." 
He loves sports and continually amazes us with his coordination.  His list of sports he wants to participate in grows daily.  His latest is tennis.  If you ever want to see pure joy at work, send Wyatt and Mark outside with some type of ball.  I can never tell who is having more fun.
I've said it so many times before but I really do love having a boy.  But more than anything I really do love having my Wyatt.  Now if you would please just stop growing up and stay your sweet self forever, please?

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