Sunday, January 24, 2010

++One more to go++

How is it that our little girl is almost one? If you ask her, she'll tell you how is it that she isn't sixteen quite yet? The thing about Claire is that pictures, no matter how many you take, just don't capture her true personality. She's funny (and she knows it). She likes to show off her tricks (which include "so big" and "oh no"). And she almost knows how to walk and she likes to practice, practice, practice.
We got her some new shoes with soft rubbery soles so she can practice outside too. She loves them. She goes and finds them in the morning and demands that we put them on. And even though she squirms through every diaper change, she holds out her foot patiently if you are putting on her shoes.

She is only a so-so model for me anymore (sigh). But I did get this shot of her for my photo class. Like it? My teacher did.
This was another shot for my class (we were working on principles of composition). I just couldn't quite get her to look AT me.
A little more about the not-so-little-one.
++She says "duck" and uses it appropriately. She carried around on the birthday card we bought for Grandma that had a duck on the front saying "duh duh duh". She also says mama and dada and baba which we think means she wants her bottle (and to go to sleep!).
++She will not wear a bib. I have given up. I am going to order her some of those that are towels with the holes in them so she can't get them off as easily. I guess I could find tie ones too. Target had some of those towel ones but they had Elmos that were bigger than Claire all over them. As hard as I tried, I just couldn't get my arm to put them in my cart.
++She discovered something very important somewhere between ten and eleven months: that she can express her opinion! Now, as much as I want my daughter to be unafraid to stand up for herself...this is a little early. The best part is the flop to the floor and kick her legs move when she doesn't get what she wants.
++She still puts any and everything in her mouth. Wyatt wasn't like this. She also has lots of sharp teeth and will bite you if you go fishing for what's in there.
++She is in that stage where she likes to put things in other things. This is cute to watch...we just now need to sort through the trash cans from her room, etc. for stray balls or little people. to planning her birthday party. Sniff...sniff.

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