Saturday, October 24, 2009

++Eight Months++

Our little sunshine is eight months old. And let me tell you, she is a girl on the go! We put away the baby toys and brought out the large plastic ones. She is no longer interested in being constrained by the Exersaucer (in fact, she never really cared for it too much) and just wants to explore the house. Did I mention...ALWAYS with a smile?
She is finally crawling up on all fours. She reverts to her army crawl on our hardwoods though as she can't quite seem to get enough traction.
She is starting to experiment with pulling herself up on things. And loves to show off her tongue.
She will happily entertain herself on the floor for hours. No joke. She will, however, get herself into trouble. I'm constantly fishing things out of her mouth or taking shoes away from her. This does not make her smile.
She is a great eater. I am blessed with my second champion chewer. She'll try anything you put in front of her and prefers large pieces to bite on herself over small things (pizza crusts are a favorite). She's not so into sleeping but has FINALLY starting gracing us with sleeping through the night. Her naps are give and take. Nothing like Wyatt at this age who slept like clockwork. The funny part is that she can take a twenty minute nap and be happy as a clam for the rest of the day. Me? Kinda could have used a little more of a break.
She chatters her day away "ba ba ba". She'll imitate us shaking our heads or tapping her high chair. She's super-curious and very determined. All in all, we've decided we are going to be in so much trouble when she gets older! For now, we just dress her in pink and soak up every minute of our little one!

1 comment:

The Cogan's said...

Claire is so cute !! great pics as always.