She pulls up on everything, licks everything, eats everything. I found a chunk of nerf football in her diaper the other day. In case you are wondering, nerf is not digestible.Mom and Dad are great but her true love is her lovey. Yes, I now have two lovey obsessed kids. And since Claire isn't into the pacifier or thumb--she chews the lovey. Ooooweee do those things get ripe smelling quickly. She giggles when she spots it and darts across the floor to get it. When she finds it she hugs it and rolls with it. Every night we find her in her bed with her head laying on it. As a fellow lovey lover, Wyatt is very sympathetic to her needs and is quick to offer her her lovey when she is upset.
You often see this site around the house these days. Claire stands at the couch and begs to Wyatt like a dog. I've started to hear "Mo-oooom, make her go away". Only about fifteen more years of that ahead.
We have this same photo from Wyatt. Not sure what it is about the coffee table that screams "passageway" to the wee ones.
She loves this little fridge farm. She pushes on it and then bops her head and dances. Thankfully big brother is happy to help her put the animals in to get another song.
It's fun to see how Claire and Wyatt do the same things--we often say "I remember when Wyatt was in that stage." But, it's actually even more fun to see Claire grow into a totally different baby than Wyatt. She does things that I don't recall him ever doing (and he did things that she doesn't). Something that is uniquely Claire: "lilypadding" I'll call it this for the lack of a more official term. If there is anything flat lying around, Claire likes to put her body right in the middle of it and just sit. Need proof? See below.
She's starting to show stranger anxiety so sometimes only we get to see the true Claire. She goes to childcare at MOPS every other week and they call her "the princess" because she never cries. She just loves the noise and activity of the other kids. She still only has the four teeth but they are all grown in. Mark started to call her "The Beav" until I intervened. Not going to let that one stick.