Wyatt"flash" Pacyna hanging out post-bath with Grandma
I will have to say that the zoo is one thing (along with the winter weather) that makes Memphis better than Minneapolis. I guess you can add housing prices to that too. That makes three. They have giraffes and zebras and elephants and all the stuff that a zoo is supposed to have. It's really nice. I know I shouldn't dog the MN Zoo (they used to be my client and all...) but there is a lot of room for improvement there.
We're enjoying our first weekend in a while with just the three of us. As much as it was so fun to have the families come (it helped to keep us in denial that we are living in this strange place) it's nice to keep it low-key. Yesterday we went to Mississippi just so we could say we have been there. For those of you who haven't pulled your map out, it's really only about 10 miles south of us to the border. We went to a furniture store...seems we spend lots of time at them these days. We need RUGS. I think we found one for the family room. When you have to buy TWO 8 x10 rugs, it adds up fast! We also hung more pictures in attempt to make this house feel like home. We're getting there. I'll take some photos for a virtual tour one of these days.
The best part about yesterday? It was 60-some degrees here so we played outside for a while and went for a walk around the neighborhood. Toinight we will have our own Superbowl [pity]party. Partly because we're sad that the Packers aren't there and partly because, well, we just don't have anyone to party with yet. All in good time...
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