Thursday, March 15, 2012


I'm so remiss in this post but here's a letter to Claire on her birthday.

Dear Claire (aka "Kelly", Miss P, P,  Clairina Pacyna, Princess Sillypants, Crazy Pants, Lover Doodle),
I can't believe you are three already.  You are still my baby and probably always will be.  You make me carry you all over the place.  I never carried Wyatt at three, I was carrying you!  I'm glad you are still a peanut--it makes it easier on me!
We love the way you could play for hours really doing nothing at all. As long as you have some purses, babies, music and fancy shoes you are good to go. As much as it can try my patience that you want to sit ON ME whenever I sit down, I'm glad you like to snuggle. What's a mom to say when her little girl comes to her and asks for some "loving time"?

I really do believe that one of the greatest gifts of parenting is that it really helps us to be better people and to keep things in perspective.  You and your off-kilter sleep schedule, your non-existant appetite and your multi-layer creatively-fabulous outfits have thrown my scheduled type-A personality for quite a loop.  It's good for me though.  I'm learning to roll with it.  Although I'll never understand why anyone would want to sleep in a headband!

I always dreamed of having a little girl, but I'll have to be honest, that little girl wasn't like you. Your personality is far bigger, your sparkle is far brighter, your smile is far prettier and your quirky little sense of humor is far more unexpected. Thank you for being you!

Your mommy loves you more than you know!