At eighteen months, Claire is not afraid to tell us what she thinks. She is quick to shoot us this look along with a "no!" if she doesn't like what she has been told.
She has also learned how to ham it up for the camera.
Her vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. It seems she is adding words daily. Her favorites are mommy, daddy, baby, shoes, clothes, jacket, cracker, doggy, kitty, stroller, push, off, outside, color, go, cheese, cookie, booberry, treat and last but not at all least, JUICE!
She still loves to swing. We can never get her off the swings at the park. She is also really upset if there aren't open swings for her. She doesn't quite get the "take turns" idea yet.
If Claire had a happy place this would be it. Sitting in her favorite portable high chair, eating cake, wearing her hat and her jacket and drinking juice. Throw in her lovey and a necklace or two and she would have been in heaven.
This was probably a close second in the happy place race.
She's starting to do a lot more purposeful play. She likes puzzles and shape sorters and stacking blocks and coloring. She has also inherited the clearly genetic trait first demonstrated by her brother (which much be recessive as it's a mystery to Mark and me)of enjoying transporting small items and game pieces to all sorts of rooms through the house, especially our closet or the laundry room or the kitchen floor right in front of the fridge.
Another favorite pastime...self baptism. While we are glad she is feeling so religious and all, we'd like to remind Claire we already had that taken care of for her. If she finds a puddle, a fountain or any other body of water the hand goes in and onto the head the water goes. Don't believe me? Check her out in the background of the photo below. Cousins playing nicely at the rehearsal dinner and Claire dipping into the stagnant water in the bird bath. She sure smelled lovely after that.
For all her girly-girl tendencies she does have a little tomboy to her. She likes trucks and trains and buses and firetrucks (but not with nearly the zeal her brother did). She also is into bugs and critters. We have lots of slugs in our backyard (where are those raccoons when we need them?)and Claire loves to check them out.
This is her "where did it go?" move.
You are growing up fast kiddo. We love you!