Someone we know turned ten months old on Christmas Eve. She's much smilier than this picture would let on. Here's a little about Claire at ten months:
++ She thinks she is three...or sixteen.
++ She is a crawling pro and FAST. Also she's super nimble she can get from her knees to sitting or pull-up on something in nano-seconds. Sometimes she tries to crawl so fast she gets a little ahead of herself and does a faceplant. We try not to laugh and applaud the effort.
++She knows her mom and dad and Wyatt. She likes us best. That is good.
++She is a waving machine. She loves that she has figured out a way to greet her people and greet them she does. Teenage boys seem to be her favorite. We are in so much trouble.
++She says mama and dada and something that sort of sounds like "hi" to accompany her wave. The rest of the time she speaks her own language.
++She eats anything we put in front of her which is such a treat. We know it's only a matter of time before she realizes she can have an opinion. No doubt she'll learn by example from her brother.
++She got her first taste of juice on the airplane to Wisconsin. She wouldn't set the cup down. We haven't given her any since. It worked great to get her to swallow though!
++She is the lightest sleeper known to man.
++She still loves shoes (eating more than wearing). She's wearing her first patent leather shoes with her first pair of tights in the picture above. I tear up just thinking about it. Now if her hair could just grow a little bit and we could start with the bows.
++We continue to enjoy seeing the unique personalities in each of our kids. Wyatt was always so cautious. Claire just loves to be in the middle of it all. It doesn't seem that she is afraid of much. Again...we are in for it.
We sure do love our little bear (or Miss P, Princess P, Little One...depending on who is talking to her).