Here's the latest on what's up here...other than the mercury.
++We're getting adjusted to the condo. I've decided that living in 800 square feet isn't really for me. I can survive though.
++We're renting a minivan until the cars arrive on Friday. It was a good chance for an extended test drive because we were seriously considering getting one. I am officially no longer interested. Too big. Maybe I would feel different if we weren't parking in the worlds smallest parking lot at the condo. I am so excited to get my back-up sensors back when the Volvo arrives!
++We went house hunting on Saturday and Sunday. It's taking us a while to even figure out which areas we want to live in. We're narrowing it down though. Wyatt and Claire came too. Wyatt thought it was fun. I love that about him. Everything is a new adventure.
++Someone turned five months old on Friday. She deserves her own fancy post. It will come sometime. She is way too mobile for her own good and way too happy and easy (if there is such a thing). We marked her birthday with the introduction of rice cereal.
++I can't believe this is so far down in my post because it is such big news! My dad is home from the hospital today. He has a long recovery ahead of him but I'm just so glad he's home.
++I had four large glasses of ice water before breakfast this morning. I think breastfeeding and this heat really just suck it all out of you. Sorry. Bad choice of words there.
++Wyatt continually astounds me with how he is putting the pieces together with this move. We were talking about Little Gym and he told me that we can't go there anymore because it is too far away (I never told him this). Then he asked if they had Little Gym in Seattle. Seriously? He isn't even three yet!
++And, because I know all of you love a little visual aid. This photo kind of sums up so much about the last couple of weeks. Here's Claire, doing her thing, totally ignored, surrounded by chaos (but not total chaos, note the patented Kate check-list in the foreground) as we prepare to leave our house in Memphis. She wrapped herself in that shirt and was chewing on a wet-wipe package.