Monday, June 29, 2009

++Claire's Baptism++

We like to be efficient in our family (yes, I know, that comes as a surprise to all of you). Since we have struggled with finding a church home in Memphis (just can't do the mega church thing...sorry), and because we will be moving SOON, we decided to have Claire baptized while we were back in Minnesota. It worked out well because we could have it at Mount Olivet where my parents and sister were married and where Wyatt was baptized. Even though it's a large church, Claire had the show all to herself on Sunday. She didn't disappoint.

She listened intently to the pastor as he spoke. Flashing him smiles the whole time. He even commented to the congregation after he was done that she listened better to him than his wife or kids ever have. Here she is in her outfit. She wore the same dress as Cora and booties that were mine.

Unfortunately she didn't stay awake so the photos are of a sleeping Claire. Here she is with sponsors Matt and Taylor (her other sponsors Aunt Susan and Uncle Brett were there in spirit).

We were so blessed to be able to have Busha join us as well. The one-hundred-year-old decided that she couldn't miss this event and decided to make the trip.

We really lucked out and found a great place for a reception. Kozy's in Edina has a great brunch served family style. We were able to have the private room (read: our kids running laps around the table didn't bother anyone else). They even had live music.

It also worked out that my dear friend Mel could join us too. It's special for me as Mel and I were best friends at school but also grew up at church together. Claire warmed right up to her and snuggled in for a hug.

We had a great day surrounded by friends and family. Unfortunately the Halbach contingent couldn't be there...but we will be together for a lot of Sundays very soon! So excited about that.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

++First flight++

Claire took her first flight. It's all old hat for Wyatt. Nothing too exciting to report about it. We felt the need to block traffic in the aisle of the plane while we took this photo though.
Her next trip will be a little longer. Memphis to Seattle. One-Way.

Friday, June 26, 2009

++Reader input required++

I need your help. According to my little blog counter 12,000 of you have read this blog so there are enough of you out there to get a decent sample size. (Don't think I don't know that 11,000 of those visits were from my in-laws, my parents and Mark while on conference calls at work).

Here goes:

When I started this blog I named it "eight hundred miles" which was the distance from Minneapolis to Memphis. It was supposed to be all about the adventures of moving to this crazy place but I ran out of things to say about Memphis long ago so I just started posting pictures of my cute kids.

Well, let's just say that the Pacyna family were to relocate once again (insert giant sigh here that we already used up all the P's AND Q's in your address book----when will you learn to use PENCIL?). What should I do about the name of the blog? I'll make it multiple choice for your convenience:

a. Leave it the same. It's so well branded why change it now.

b. Call it twenty-three hundred miles. The distance from Memphis to our new home.

c. Call it sixteen hundred miles. The distance from Minneapolis to our new home.

d. Call it three thousand miles. Roughly (so it sounds pretty) the distance from Minneapolis to Memphis plus Memphis to our new home.

Vote now!

And just so you can sleep tonight and don't waste too much time figuring out what is 2300 miles from here, I'll let you in on the secret.

Seattle here we come!!!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

++Four Months++

Weighing in at 14lbs 4oz (a whopping 3.5 lbs less than Wyatt at this age) we have our little Claire. Around these parts she is also known as "bear", "little one", "pretty pants" and a personal favorite "dirty bird" (due to her lack of baths).
She is all smiles these days. They say that about this time is when you start to see a glimpse of their individual personalities. I'm hoping that's true. Claire is happy and smiley. I took this shot of her in her bouncy but it's the same response pretty much anyone gets from her stroller if they talk to her.

We can't keep her on her back for more than about ten seconds these days. No need to schedule tummy time for this one. EVERYTHING is going into the mouth as well. I'm glad for this as she can now "play" on her own a little bit. I actually strap her into her bouncy once in a while to give her a break from the workouts.

I used some gift cards we were given to buy this little seat for Claire. We never had one of these for Wyatt...but I had free hands a lot more often with him. She is finally strong enough to sit up in it (again...not to compare...ok so I am...but Wyatt was well versed in the Exersaucer at this age!). It's kind of handy. I like the little tray. Claire likes that it helps her with her favorite pastime: Wyatt watching.

I was playing around with my camera (are you sensing a trend here?) and took these funny shots of Claire checking herself out in the mirror. I didn't realize until I got down to her vantage point how distorted she looks (it's a good thing she doesn't know it's herself yet so she doesn't get a complex).

Here's the real view. Just to prove she doesn't have a huge case you haven't seen any pictures of her before.

There are lots of fun adventures for Claire in family in the month to come. Stay tuned!

Monday, June 22, 2009

++First Swim++

Claire went for her first swim last week. We all know it's been hot enough here to make the pool feel like bath water. She was not quite sure what to make of the whole thing...but there was no crying at all. We actually took her again and that time she kept splashing in the water and getting it all over her face and she just thought it was funny. Maybe she'll be a swimmer like her mom?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

++Eleven years++

About eleven years ago I met this guy. I knew he was a nice guy. I decided to keep him around for a while. A few years later (in Prague...on the a rowboat) he asked me to marry him. I was pretty sure he would make a great husband so I said yes. I was right.
What I never imagined (because it's something that you just don't get until it's real) was what a great Dad he would be. I've never seen greater joy in a child than Wyatt's face when Mark walks through the door after being away on a trip. There's a part of me that is envious but it is overshadowed by the fact that I am so glad that my children are blessed with such a great Dad (and that I still have a shot that Claire will be a Mommy's girl.)

Happy Father's Day Mark! (may my kind words be worth more than the wallet we got you!)

Friday, June 19, 2009

++Mother of two++

Is there anything that more accurately depicts what life is like when you have two kids? It is impossible to focus on both of them equally at the same time. We have been talking about how this has been good for Wyatt. He is slowly learning an important life lesson: that it is not always all about him. Claire seems to already have this figured out.

About the photo. I would be lying if I told you I set out to do this. I know my camera can do it, I think I maybe could replicate this again if I tried. Pretty much it was just an accident that happened when Wyatt decided to jump into Claire's photo shoot. Kinda cool though!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

++Ten on Tuesday++

This is admittedly a stolen idea that I have seen on other blogs. A good one though. An easy way to wrap up a lot of little thoughts into one nice package. Especially since I am behind due to the vacation our computer went on. Thank goodness he is back. He works again.

1. Mark was out of town for basically all of last week. I don't mention this stuff in blog-land just because I am slightly paranoid. Now that he's home, I can whine about it. MTW was a "team building" trip in Oregon which included a hike, some golf and other stuff that sounded like fun. FSaSu was MN for Matt's bachelor party. He had a rough week for sure.
2. My M-I-L found a last-minute flight deal so she was able to come down for a quick visit with the kiddos (and a little bit of help for me). There is never a lack of playtime and attention when Grandma is in the house.
3. Just to make sure her trip was extra exciting we had a storm blow through on Friday night and knock the power out. We were without lights (and AC!) for about twelve hours. Wyatt thought reading bedtime stories by flashlight was pretty fun though.
4. It is HOT here. I know I complained about this last summer too. I just can't explain it in a way that the northerners can understand but it's just hot. Poor Claire. I just don't like to hold babies much when it's so hot. Good thing we have access to a couple of pools...and our little one is quite the fish!
5. Claire got her first dose of formula last night. Two ounces in a bottle of breast milk. Why do I feel so guilty? It's basically because we have some travel and other stuff going on this summer where I'm not sure I will be able to bring my stored milk with me. I want to be sure that she will at least eat formula if we end up needing it.
6. Wyatt likes all these shows that are on Nickelodeon. I don't mind the shows but I hate that they have ads (did this exit the mouth of a former ad girl?) Last week Wyatt saw the Orange Glo ad and that obnoxious guy even persuaded him...he insisted in washing the floor.
7. Claire smiles with her whole mouth as wide open as it goes. So cute. What's even cuter is Wyatt trying to imitate this. When we do something to make her smile he says "me too" and responds by opening his mouth up.
8. Wyatt has a pretty good grasp on language these days. Yesterday he informed me that something "disappeared." Today he told me something was "just awful." He does have a few words that he mispronounces and it just makes me smile. My favorites are "barbage" as in "barbage truck" and "buppon" as in "belly buppon."
9. Claire hasn't decided if she is going to be a pacifier baby or not yet. I really don't care either way, I just wish she would pick her method of self-soothing so we can get on with it. By two months Wyatt was a thumb sucker and that was it (check back with me to see how I feel about this when I'm trying to break this habit).
10. We've been trying to go to the health club three days a week. I have about ten more pounds to lose and I'm determined. This isn't easy. Between naps and meals and general child wrangling, it's about all we do those days.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

++In love part two++

I am so in love with this little boy.

Too bad most of my pictures of him turn out like this:

Saturday, June 6, 2009

++In love++

I am so in love with this little girl. Taking her picture is lots of fun too.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Wyatt has taken to "eating" the lemons from our water glasses in restaurants. Personally I just think he likes to put on a show. Either way, it's hilarious to watch.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

++Family Photos++

We attempted to take some family photos while my parents were here. I thought we should try to get one for the sidebar.
Here is a typical result:

So this was the best of the bunch.

This one was just sweet. Is this little girl loved or what?

I forgot to mention I chopped my hair while my parents were here. I think I may go even shorter next time.We tried a change of scenery to see if it would help Wyatt. A little better but no such luck. Maybe when he's five.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


We have to send our computer in for some fixin' (AGAIN). I'm going to be out of touch during the day for about a week. I already have a twitch. I've made it my goal to use my computer time to finish my knitting project. Hopefully when it returns home I will have a photo to post (which is likely the only time it will be worn since it was 95 degrees here this week).
I wrote up some posts that will show up from time to time. I wouldn't want my five readers to go into withdrawal as well.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

++Road Trippin'++

As I've mentioned before, Mark has a serious case of wanderlust. Ever since we moved here he has been asking to go to Oxford, MS (home of Old Miss). While my parents were here, I finally agreed. Now that we have two kids we had to take a two car road trip. Do I hear minivan calling my name? I think we are at least realizing we may need a third row of seats.
After a somewhat eventful trip down there...including being stopped at some sort of police checkpoint which was very exciting for Wyatt, and making another unscheduled stop due to Wyatt informing his Daddy "my penis hurts", we finally made it to the cute little town.

There are a lot of cute shops around the courthouse square. Here is a statue of something probably saluting those brave confederate soldiers.

We did a lot of meandering.

We stopped to have our photo taken next to some man.

This is supposed to be the oldest department store in the south. It was pretty cute. Mark could have decked himself out in some full-on southern garb had he wanted to.
Wyatt did a little window shopping.
We spent the longest time in the toy store and book store which were super cute. We had a little lunch. Mark and my dad spotted Eli and Archie Manning (so sad I wasn't there with my camera), and Wyatt ended up with this souvenir...chosen from the clearance rack at the toy store. Wyatt hasn't stopped talking about his road trip. Maybe we'll have to go one another one soon!

Monday, June 1, 2009

++School's out for summer++

I am sure I date myself with that headline. It's sad that I am at an age where it is possible to date myself. So sad.
What's also sad is that Wyatt is done with school until July. So, for four whole weeks I am left with no days to run errands on my own. Claire doesn't count as she sleeps all the time. I am interested to see what this does to our credit card bill.
Here he is on his last day:
My, how he has grown up since his first day in August:
Here he is with his teachers. Christa (the one in pink) was his FAVORITE. No one knew this until the day she was gone and he fell to the floor crying and refused to go into the classroom. God bless cheap "Mother's Day Out" programs. They could perhaps be the best thing I have discovered in the great state of Tennessee.

++Nana and Bompa++

We were treated to an unscheduled visit from Nana and Bompa last week due to some nifty $98 plane tickets my mom found.
Wyatt immediately latched onto Bompa. He pretty much didn't let him out of his sights for the rest of the trip.

Bompa and Claire met for the first time. She liked his low voice. He was the official stroller pusher and was very good at keeping her smiling while we were out and about.

Claire liked Nana too. She just wasn't so into the idea of Nana giving her a bottle. I returned from my hair appointment to a very upset little girl. Good thing Nana has seen it all before. We're getting the bottle problem solved...slowly.

Three generations of ladies. I wonder if Claire will fall right in line with the resemblance.

Finally, we did a mini photo shoot. Wyatt in true two-year-old form was marginally cooperative. Claire did her best for being three months old.