Here's a quick low-down on what we are treated to every day:
...Eating all fruits and vegetables (especially applesauce and peas)
...To play in his Dad's closet. Especially if Dad joins him.
...To go outside...or anywhere other than home. He'll let you know it's time to go by bringing you his shoes and standing by the door.
...Raisin Bran better than Cheerios or Kix.
...To run around the house with found treasures. Usually these are not toys.
...Trucks and trains. He is starting to push stuff around and make noises for them. It's fun to watch.
...His Little People bus. He spends nearly 25% of his play time putting the people in and out of the bus.
...Duplo block people. He spends another 25% of his time putting the guys in and out of the blocks with doors and trying very hard to fit two in and the same time (a feat that I finally figured out how to do. hint: turn one upside down).
...His new stool in his bathroom. A great spot for looking at himself in the mirror or brushing teeth (two of his other favorite pastimes).
...Putting money in his piggy bank. We now have to hide all spare change or we lose it to the big pink pig.
...His Lovey. The buddy extraordinaire accompanies the little guy everywhere, until something more interesting comes along at which time he throws him down.
Doesn't like...
...Sleeping in (we are greeted cheerfully between 5:30 and 6:30 every morning).
...Bread or cheese. Go figure.
...Loud noises.
...Not getting his way.
...Sitting still.
His vocabulary:
--DaDa (which depending on the intonation I think is meant to be many different words).
--Daddy (he says this one very well and uses it appropriately...notice the lack of "mommy" on this list?)
--Bye Bye
--Bompa (for my dad...but he has started pointing at all old men and saying "Bompa")
--Bubble (heard over the weekend)
--Down (which thankfully he says before he starts to attempt to descend our steps).
--and the basic baby signs that he is VERY good at when he really wants to get his point across: eat, more, all done.
Here's our little 16-monther...
...with one of his "found" treasures
...admiring himself in the mirror
...doing a good job getting most of his yogurt into his mouth